Week in Reflection / You're not alone

Encouragement for the week from a unique perspective

30 years as a parish pastor, 40 years being blind has given Dave Andrus a unique and refreshing view of the world, situations and God. Taking something
that happened that week, sometimes good, sometimes bad, often something that a person who is blind faces, Pastor Dave shares encouragement, hope and
still another way to look at it.

    1. Episode 370 : Real Value : Colossians 3:3-4

    2. Episode 369 : At rest in Jesus : 2 Timothy 4:7

    3. Episode 368 : Growing plants in the garden : John 15:1-2

    4. Episode 367 : The northern lights : Psalm 147:1-11

    5. Episode 366 : Praying for the government : 1 Timothy 2:1-2

    6. Episode 365 : Another story from prison : 1 Corinthians 15:58

    7. Episode 364 : A different look at the eclipse : Acts 2:19-22

    8. Episode 363 : Holiday foods and feasting : Isaiah 25:6-8

    9. Episode 362 : A real head scratcher : 1 Peter 1:18-19

    10. Episode 361 : Playing the hand you are dealt : Matthew 5:16

    11. Episode 360 : The most difficult story in the Bible : Genesis 22:1-14

    12. Episode 359 : A sociologist's view on Christian history : John 13:34

    13. Episode 358 : C. S. Lewis on love and god : 1 John 4:9-10

    14. Episode 357 : The Big Event : Romans 6:23

    15. Episode 356 : A look at hell: Galatians 5:22-23

    16. Episode 355 : Kidneys and blood : 1 John 1:7

    17. Episode 354 : A different kind of king : Proverbs 19:12

    18. Episode 353 : The whole story : Isaiah 7:14

    19. Episode 352 : Silence is broken : Luke 1:20

    20. Episode 351 : Thankful : Psalm 107:8

    21. Episode 350 : A stamp of validation : Ephesians 1:13-14

    22. Episode 349 : Peace : Matthew 5:9

    23. Episode 348 : My dog teaches me about God : Isaiah 43:25

    24. Episode 347 : Cowboy heroes : Mark 15:31-32

    25. Episode 346 : A cup of coffee : John 15:15

    26. Episode 345 : Cheering us on : Hebrews 12:1

    27. Episode 344 : An oldy but goody : Psalm 119:105

    28. Episode 343 : Belonging : Galatians 3:28

    29. Episode 342 : Taking the plunge : Matthew 14:30-31

    30. Episode 341 : Sand Castles : Matthew 7:24-26

    31. Episode 340 : The insects of summer: Psalm 103:3

    32. Episode 339 : The little word if : Romans 5:6

    33. Episode 338 : My favorite : Exodus 19:5

    34. Episode 337 : I never heard that before : Luke 10:25-37

    35. Episode 336 : By your side with a purpose : John 14:16

    36. Episode 335 : Home sweet home : John 14:1-3

    37. Episode 334 : Better than the railroads : 1 Peter 1:4

    38. Episode 333 : Life Energy : John 20:22

    39. Episode 332 : No pain : Matthew 27:34

    40. Episode 331 : Plans and Interruptions : Romans 15:28

    41. Episode 330 : Food and Hunger : Matthew 4:4

    42. Episode 329 : Life is a puzzle : Matthew 17:9

    43. Episode 328 : Love at first sight : Romans 5:7-8

    44. Episode 327 : New year's resolution, part two : 2 Thessalonians 3:3

    45. Episode 326 : New year's resolution, part one : 2 Corinthians 5:17

    46. Episode 325 : A new year : Psalm 37:24

    47. Episode 324 : The meaning of the Magi : Matthew 2:1-2

    48. Episode 323 : A Holiday story : Luke 1:3-4

    49. Episode 322 : Walking in the winter wonder land of fog : 2 Timothy 4:17-18

    50. Episode 321 : Read the signs of the time : Matthew 24:37-38

    51. Episode 320 : What can I give God : Philippians 2:4-5

    52. Episode 319 : Breathe in breathe out : 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    53. Episode 318 : Sports in the Bible : 2 Timothy 2:5

    54. Episode 317 : Tragic, Really Tragic : John 3:17

    55. Episode 316 : Surviving a storm : Matthew 7:24-27

    56. Episode 315 : Connecting the dots : Philippians 1:12

    57. Episode 314 : Loyalty

    58. Episode 313 : Day by day : 1 Corinthians 8:6

    59. Episode 312 : A moving home : Hebrews 11:9-16

    60. Episode 311 : The parable of the house : 1 Corinthians 3:16

    61. Episode 310 : Ask, seek, knock : Luke 11:9-13

    62. Episode 309 : Prayer as soliloquy : 1 Kings 19:13

    63. Episode 308 : Crumbling buildings : Genesis 11:1-9

    64. Episode 307 : In a little while : John 16:19-20

    65. Episode 306 : New perspective : Acts 11:17-18

    66. Episode 305 : Birds in the Bible : Isaiah 40:30-31

    67. Episode 304 : A folded Napkin : John 20:7

    68. Episode 303 : Somethings afoot : Philippians 3:8-9

    69. Episode 302 : Out of mind out of sight : Luke 15:8-10

    70. Episode 301 : A Dirty job : John 11:25

    71. Episode 300 : Don't Forget God : Exodus 19:3-6

    72. Episode 299 : A wicked winter head cold : 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

    73. Episode 298 : New Year's Resolutions : Romans 6:1

    74. Episode 297 : Movies at the holidays : Luke 2:49

    75. Episode 296 : Christmas Emotions : Luke 3:10-14

    76. Episode 295 : A Thanksgiving Parade : Luke 19:38

    77. Episode 294 : Things are not as they appear : Mark 12:42-44

    78. Episode 293 : Symptoms when you are sick : Romans 7:24-25

    79. Episode 292 : Life is precious : 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

    80. Episode 291 : A Nelson story : Romans 15:24

    81. Episode 290 : Pill bottles and life : Mark 7:35

    82. Episode 289 : A bag of chips : John 6:35

    83. Episode 288 : A bum right arm : Isaiah 41:13

    84. Episode 287 : A bee sting : 1 Corinthians 15:56

    85. Episode 286 : I don't walk barefoot : 1 Peter 2:21

    86. Episode 285 : Water in the basement : 2 Corinthians 5:6

    87. Episode 284 : Something different : Romans 12:2

    88. Episode 283 : Putting together the puzzle : Proverbs 3:5-6

    89. Episode 282 : Wind on a warm day : John 3:8

    90. Episode 281 : Dirty clothes : Colossians 3:1-4

    91. Episode 280 : Cinco De Mayo : 1 Peter 4:12-13

    92. Episode 279 : Grilled Cheese Day : Psalms 34:8

    93. Episode 278 : A surprise : Matthew 28:20

    94. Episode 277 : An OK Friday : Isaiah 53:5

    95. Episode 276 : Blind but not left out : Numbers 21:8

    96. Episode 275 : More to do : Philippians 1:22

    97. Episode 274 : An unusual prayer : 2 Thessalonians 3:13

    98. Episode 273 : Flowers on Valentine Day : 1 Peter 1:24-25

    99. Episode 272 : Lost in the snow : Matthew 14:16

    100. Episode 271 : A new government : 1 Corinthians 15:57-58

    101. Episode 270 : While washing your hands : Romans 6:3-5

    102. Episode 269 : The new year with change: Matthew 10:16

    103. Episode 268 : The Christmas star reappears : Matthew 2:2

    104. Episode 267 : Helen Keller on not being alone : 1 Corinthians 1:3-5

    105. Episode 266 : The faded leaves of fall : Isaiah 64:6

    106. Episode 265 : Push Button Phones : Ephesians 5:19-20

    107. Episode 264 : Appreciating something special : Psalm 145:15-16

    108. Episode 263 : A Windy Day : Ephesians 4:14-15

    109. Episode 262 : Internal GPS : Psalm 86:11

    110. Episode 261 : When things are not fair : Matthew 20:15

    111. Episode 260 : When the move is over : Psalm 77:11

    112. Episode 259 : All that stuff : Psalm 118:1

    113. Episode 258 : Moving again : Luke 1:38

    114. Episode 257 : Two kingdoms : Colossians 1:13

    115. Episode 256 : Secure and valuable : 1 Peter 1:3-4

    116. Episode 255 : Broken to be whole : Psalm 51:17

    117. Episode 254 : Best glue ever : Romans 8:35

    118. Episode 253 : For want of a nail : John 6:0

    119. Episode 252 : A Christian's dilemma : 1 Timothy 2:4

    120. Episode 251 : Not one day but every day : Matthew 10:31

    121. Episode 250 : Do not give up : Galatians 6:9

    122. Episode 249 : What makes life good part 2 : Ecclesiastes 1:2

    123. Episode 248 : What makes life good part 1 : James 1:17

    124. Episode 247 : Many different levels : Galatians 5:6

    125. Episode 246 : Always ready to listen : Acts 4:29

    126. Episode 245 : Delight yourself in the Lord : Psalm 37:4

    127. Episode 244 : Something you don't often see : Matthew 21:12-13

    128. Episode 243 : Random thoughts about the corona virus : Romans 5:17

    129. Episode 242 : I am talking to you : John 9:1-7

    130. Episode 241 : When things are not good : Exodus 17:6

    131. Episode 240 : The virus going viral : Mark 1:40-42

    132. Episode 239 : Accepting my son's invitation : Phil 1:13

    133. Episode 238 : Many uses of salt : Matthew 5:13

    134. Episode 237 : Best investment we ever made :2 Corinthians 8:1-2

    135. Episode 236 : Debit or credit : Galatians 4:27

    136. Episode 235 : Cory story : John 1:41-42

    137. Episode 234 : Noise and silence - part two : Luke 2:49

    138. Episode 233 : Noise and silence - part one : Psalm 100

    139. Episode 232 : What is special about Christmas : Galatians 4:4

    140. Episode 231 : Tree stumps and lifeless roots : Isaiah 11:1

    141. Episode 230 : Christmas holiday Conversations : Colossians 4:5-6

    142. Episode 229 : When being thankful is hard : Philippians 4:8

    143. Episode 228 : Walking with a limp : Genesis 32:26

    144. Episode 227 : Losing your voice makes you think : Psalm 139:23-24

    145. Episode 226 : Doing the one thing : Philippians 3:13-14

    146. Episode 225 : Snatched from the jaws of death : John 5:24

    147. Episode 224 : A confusing parable : Luke 16:1-9

    148. Episode 223 : To where does a doggy door open : 1 Timothy 4:8-9

    149. Episode 222 : Narrow doorways can be tricky : Luke 13:23-24

    150. Episode 221 : What do you see in the mirror : James 1:23-25

    151. Episode 220 : A walk and cleaning the kitchen : Ephesians 1:4-5

    152. Episode 219 : Serve and listen : Luke 10:38-42

    153. Episode 218 : The story comes alive : Luke 10:25-37

    154. Episode 217 : Wheat and weeds together : Matthew 13:24-30

    155. Episode 216 : The bonds are broken : Luke 8:39

    156. Episode 215 : The problem of pride: Genesis 11:8

    157. Episode 214 : Now you see me, now you don't : John 16:20

    158. Episode 213 : Standing Firm : 1 Corinthians 15:58

    159. Episode 212: Blind dedication: Acts 9:17-18

    160. Episode 211 : Daily blindness : John 21:7

    161. Episode 210 : Satisfying the hunger : John 6:27

    162. Episode 209 : Out in the open : Luke 22:21

    163. Episode 208 : Springtime beauty : 1 Peter 1:23-25

    164. Episode 207 : The favored child : Luke 15:31

    165. Episode 206 : Things that change : 2 Timothy 2:11-13

    166. Episode 205 : When what you got ain't enough : Galatians 5:25

    167. Episode 204 : Learning from a skunk and a dog : James 5:7-8

    168. Episode 203 : Three little pigs and a drought : Romans 12:12

    169. Episode 202 : Snow and garlic : Isaiah 1:18

    170. Episode 201 : When you cannot pay : John 19:30

    171. Episode 200 : Shoveling snow in the dark : Ephesians 6:7-8

    172. Episode 199 : Clothes at Christmas : Colossians 3:12-14

    173. Episode 198 : Holiday lights : John 1:4-5

    174. Episode 197 : Who is St Lucy : Matthew 5:14

    175. Episode 196 : Who is St. Nicholas anyway : Romans 12:9

    176. Episode 195 : How to pray : 1 Timothy 1:2

    177. Episode 194 : It's Thanksgiving but can you : Psalm 136:26

    178. Episode 193 : Dogs socks and a surprise : 1 Thessalonians 5:4

    179. Episode 192 : Dissolving discrimination : Galatians 5:6

    180. Episode 191 : Putting together or falling apart : Mark 10:17-22

    181. Episode 190 : The struggle of sleep : Psalm 121:3

    182. Episode 189 : God likes laughter : Mark 9:23

    183. Episode 188 : Doing something well : Mark 7:37

    184. Episode 187 : Reducing accidents : Psalm 34:7

    185. Episode 186 : The smells of childhood : Psalm 141:1-2

    186. Episode 185 : Two parents two different ways : Galatians 5:25

    187. Episode 184 : Compassion in action : Mark 6:33-34

    188. Episode 183 : What a blind guy sees when he views fireworks : Psalm 150:1, 6

    189. Episode 182 : If not this then what : 1 Corinthians 10:12 and 16:13

    190. Episode 181 : How a candy bar helps at a funeral: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

    191. Episode 180 : Surprising a sighted person : 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6

    192. Episode 179 : Giving thanks for the small things : Matthew 14:19-20

    193. Episode 178 : Foundations part two : 1 Cor. 3:14

    194. Episode 177 : Something small can be something big : 1 Cor. 3:13

    195. Episode 176 : A hero of the faith : 2 Cor. 4:16-17

    196. Episode 175 : Remembering no matter what : Psalms 105:5-9

    197. Episode 174 : Sneaking up on a blind person: John 20:20

    198. Episode 173 : Does Easter change anything? : Matthew 7:7

    199. Episode 172 : The struggle for power and control : Luke 22:63-65

    200. Episode 171 : Origins of the calendar and its relevance : Exodus 20:3

    201. Episode 170 : Snakes, fish and trophies: Numbers 21:4-9

    202. Episode 169 : Spring brings a time change : 2 Corinthians 6:2

    203. Episode 168 : Kids say the funniest things : 2 Corinthians 12:7-9

    204. Episode 167 : Better than a slogan : James 5:16

    205. Episode 166 : A simple spiritual slogan : 1 John 4:14-15

    206. Episode 165 : A trip back to Africa : Mark 1:27

    207. Episode 164 : Not luck fate or talent : Matthew 13:13

    208. Episode 163 : Water water water everywhere : Mark 1:9

    209. Episode 162 : A new year brings what? : Romans 8:35-39

    210. Episode 161 : Fighting the spiritual virus : Ephesians 6:13

    211. Episode 160 : Put on the light : Romans 13:12

    212. Episode 159 : Thanks is part of the relationship : Colossians 1:12

    213. Episode 158 : A day of thanksgiving : Psalm 118:1

    214. Episode 157 : Healing sometimes hurts : 1 Peter 2:24

    215. Episode 156 : A gathering place to worship God : John 4:23

    216. Episode 155 : Opportunities are all around us : Colossians 4:5

    217. Episode 154 : The troubles of travel : John 14:6

    218. Episode 153 : Which way to go without a compass : Colossians 3:1

    219. Episode 152 : Taking out the garbage : Philippians 3:8

    220. Episode 151 : Have you met a king : Matthew 27:37<

    221. Episode 150 : You got the wrong guy the wrong gal : Matthew 18:23-34

    222. Episode 149 : Disabled people and disasters : Matthew 16:25

    223. Episode 148 : Total eclipse of the heart : Proverbs 23:17

    224. Episode 147 : Different look at the eclipse : Acts 2 19-22

    225. Episode 146 : Fresh bread and a blessing : Matthew 14:19

    226. Episode 145 : Finding hidden treasure : Matthew 13:44

    227. Episode 144 : Gentleness : 1 Peter 3:15

    228. Episode 143 : A Parable about Ground : Matthew 13:1-8

    229. Episode 142 : Whose day will you make? : Matthew 11:28

    230. Episode 141 : Holidays and family : Matthew 10:34-37

    231. Episode 140 : The business of pricing Matthew : 10:31

    232. Episode 139 : A meaningful list : Matthew 10:2-4

    233. Episode 138 : What's in a name? : Matthew 28:20

    234. Episode 137 : Plugged into the power : Acts 2:14

    235. Episode 136 : Object permanence and Faith : John 14:18

    236. Episode 135 : A house is more than a dwelling : John 14:1-7

    237. Episode 134 : Dogs and sheep in the Bible : John 10:4

    238. Episode 133 : Heart recognition : Luke 24:13-35

    239. Episode 132 : When the world comes crashing down : John 20:27-29

    240. Episode 131 : A folded napkin : John 20:6-7

    241. Episode 130 : A plate of barbecued spare ribs : Ezekiel 37:11

    242. Episode 129 : The work of God : John 9:3

    243. Episode 128 : The hammer and the nail : Romans 5:3-5

    244. Episode 127 : The teacher's grade book : Psalm 130:3-4

    245. Episode 126 : Facing temptations : 1 John 2:15-17